Prince Nikolai´s Confirmation

Today, HH Prince Nikolai received confirmation. The ceremony took place in  Fredensborg Palace Church at 11.00 with the Chaplain-in-Ordinary, Bishop Erik Norman Svendsen.

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai with his parents: Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg and Prince Joachim
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai with immediate family and godparents
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Prince Nikolai was born at Copenhagen University Hospital (28/08/1999) , being the oldest grandchild of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the oldest child of Prince Joachim and Alexandra,Countess of Frederiksborg (then Princess Alexandra). her husband, Prince Henrik. 

His godparents are the Crown Prince of Denmark (his uncle) , the Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward) , Peter Steenstrup, his maternal aunt Nicola Baird and Camilla Eastwood. He was named Nikolai William Alexander Frederik after his aunt, maternal great-grandfather, mother and uncle.

He has two younger brothers and a sister: Prince Felix and Prince Henrik and Princess Athena (the latter two children of his father marriage with Princess Marie).

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