#1 Names

The lovely Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange was born on 7th December 2003 and is the eldest child of the King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. She is the heiress apparent to the throne of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Her given names are Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria. 

Catharina : after her direct ancestress, Catherine the Great, who was the longest ruling female leader of Russia
Amalia : personal choice of her parents, starts with A- (as her younger sisters)
Beatrix: after her paternal grandmother
Carmen: after her maternal grandmother
Victoria: after one of her godmothers, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden

Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange
© RVD, photo: HRH King Willem-Alexander

Prince Nikolai´s Confirmation

Today, HH Prince Nikolai received confirmation. The ceremony took place in  Fredensborg Palace Church at 11.00 with the Chaplain-in-Ordinary, Bishop Erik Norman Svendsen.

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai with his parents: Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg and Prince Joachim
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Official Photo of HH Prince Nikolai with immediate family and godparents
Photo: Steen Brogaard

Prince Nikolai was born at Copenhagen University Hospital (28/08/1999) , being the oldest grandchild of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the oldest child of Prince Joachim and Alexandra,Countess of Frederiksborg (then Princess Alexandra). her husband, Prince Henrik. 

His godparents are the Crown Prince of Denmark (his uncle) , the Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward) , Peter Steenstrup, his maternal aunt Nicola Baird and Camilla Eastwood. He was named Nikolai William Alexander Frederik after his aunt, maternal great-grandfather, mother and uncle.

He has two younger brothers and a sister: Prince Felix and Prince Henrik and Princess Athena (the latter two children of his father marriage with Princess Marie).

More news about Swedish Wedding

More info about the wedding of Princess Madeleine and Mr Christopher O´Neill can be found at a special page : http://www.kungahuset.se/royalcourt/thewedding.4.4ea495e313c19c119aa5877.html

Tomorrow, 19th May, the Banns of marriage will be published in advance.

9 years ago...

9 years ago, on 14th May 2004, Frederik André Henrik Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark married Mary Elizabeth Donaldson. They have four children: Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine.

Some photos of the big day:

Her Majesty Queen Maxima

Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti was born on 17 May 1971, daughter of Jorge Horacio Zorreguieta and Maria del Carmen Cerruti de Zorreguieta. She grew up in Buenos Aires.

Máxima Zorreguieta

Queen Máxima passed her baccalaureate examinations at Northlands School in 1988. She graduated in economics from the Universidad Católica Argentina in 1995. From 1989 to 1990, while still at university, she worked for Mercado Abierto SA, where she did research into software for financial markets.

From 1992 to 1995, she worked in the Sales Department of Boston Securities SA in Buenos Aires. She also taught English to children and adults, and mathematics to secondary school pupils and first-year students.

From July 1996 to February 1998, Queen Máxima worked for HSBC James Capel Inc. in New York, where she was Vice-President of Latin American Institutional Sales. She then worked for Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, as Vice-President of the Emerging Markets Division, until July 1999.

She subsequently moved to Deutsche Bank in New York, where she was Vice-President of Institutional Sales. From May 2000 to March 2001, she worked at the EU Representative Office of Deutsche Bank in Brussels.

On 30 March 2001 Princess (then Queen) Beatrix and Prince Claus announced the engagement of the Prince of Orange and Máxima Zorreguieta.

(Then) Prince Willem-Alexander and Maxima Zorreguieta
(March 2001)

On 3 July 2001 the two houses of parliament passed a bill submitted by the government consenting to the marriage. The Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, conducted the civil marriage ceremony in the Beurs van Berlage on 2 February 2002. The church ceremony took place immediately afterwards at the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam. The Reverend Carel ter Linden and Father Rafael Braun officiated.

Princess Maxima and Willem-Alexander, the Prince of Orange
(02 February 2002)

The royal couple initially lived at Noordeinde 66, The Hague. In spring 2003, they moved to Eikenhorst on the De Horsten estate in Wassenaar.
Their first child, Princess Catharina-Amalia, the current Princess of Orange, was born on 7 December 2003. Their second child, Princess Alexia, was born on 26 June 2005, and their third child, Princess Ariane, on 10 April 2007. All three were born at Bronovo Hospital in The Hague.

The Princess of Orange, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane
(28 March 2012)

On the 30 April 2013, Princess Maxima became Her Majesty Queen Máxima, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, Mrs. van Amsberg

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
(30 April 2013)

Information taken from Dutch Royal Family Official Website

Official Pictures

Official Pictures of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were released:

King Willem-Alexander
(30 April 2013)
© RVD, foto: Koos Breukel

King Willem-Alexander
(April 2013)
© RVD, foto: Koos Breukel

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
(30 April 2013)
© RVD, foto: Koos Breukel

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
(April 2013)
© RVD, foto: Koos Breukel

Prince Felix of Luxembourg´s Wedding

Prince Felix and Miss Claire Lademacher
© Photo Cour grand-ducale / Christian Aschman / tous droits réservés

The wedding of Prince Felix of Luxembourg and Miss Claire Lademacher will be celebrated on Saturday 21st September 2013 at the Sainte Marie-Madeleine de Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume basilica in France. The civil wedding will take place on 17th September at Königstein im Taunus in Germany.