The Netherlands has a new King and Queen!

What a beautiful (and royal) day to start a blog!

The Netherlands has a new King and Queen!

King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima
(© Agencia EFE / EPA /ANP POOL)

Willem Alexander (born in 1967) is the youngest european King after his mother abdication, Queen Beatrix, now Princess Beatrix.

Abdication of Queen Beatrix

Maxima (born in 1971) is the Queen Consort of the Netherlands. Maxima and Willem Alexander are married since 2 February 2002.

Princess Maxima and The Prince of Orange

They have three daughters: Catharina-Amalia (now The Princess of Orange), Alexia and Ariane.

Alexia, Catharina-Amalia and Ariane
More on the Dutch Royal Family in the next days :) Stay tuned!